People spend aboutthree hours and 15 minuteson their smartphones each day. This includes online time both during the workday and after people’s shifts end.
As a budding bookie, you must reach as many people as possible. But is a sports betting mobile app the way to go? Read on to learn the ins and outs of whether you should develop a mobile app or a website for your new sportsbook solutions.
Websites vs. Apps: Which Is Better for Sports Betting?
Sports betting websites that operate on desktops are a good way to make money. They’re easy for people to open and use on home computers.
They have large, easy-to-read screens. Their interface is simple to use. It’s easy to link up and sync payment methods from banking websites and crypto e-wallets.
However, all of these things are also true of mobile apps, besides screen size. Luckily, when bookies develop sports betting mobile apps, their navigation will be specifically tailored to the smaller screen size of a smartphone. This makes them readable in their own right.
Gamblers also show a marked preference for smartphone betting as well. 70% of all wagers are placed on mobile devices. 78% of people like the convenience that this affords, and 2023 reports also show that they appreciate the simplicity of mobile deposits.
The Benefits of a Sports Betting Mobile App for Players
We spend a lot of our lives on the go, and mobile apps give us the capability of placing bets from any location. If you set up a mobile-ready website, your players can place bets while commuting on public transit or waiting for food at a restaurant. This isn’t to mention that they’ll be able to make bets from anywhere in their house!
App-based betting is also more convenient. It’s easy to integrate banking apps with the application, especiallyBitcoin e-walletsthat they have pre-installed on their phones. Since Bitcoin’s security protects both bookies and players, this is important.
Bookies can also offer a wide range of sporting events on specially-made apps. Players will be able to choose from a wide range of teams, players, and events for betting. They can expect real-time score updates on the device in their hand for more confident and accurate betting.
App Advantages for Bookie Agents
As a bookie, an app is advantageous because it brings players in and makes you money. But it’s also much easier to manage than a desktop-only website.
You’ll be able to access your sportsbook from anywhere via a secure dashboard. This makes it just as convenient for you as it is for players.
When the device is set up as an application, the backend interface will also be easy to navigate. You can adjust lines, change limits, and set new odds while on the go.
Since people can also download the app on their laptops, you won’t be missing out on desktop traffic either!
Ace Per Head: Revolutionizing Bookie Services with Cutting-Edge PPH Software
Ace Per Head stands at the forefront of revolutionizing the bookie industry with its fully managed sportsbook service and innovative Pay Per Head bookie software. In the realm of sports betting, where success hinges on adaptability and efficiency, Ace Per Head emerges as the ultimate partner for both aspiring and seasoned bookies.
Understanding PPH: A Dynamic Subscription Model
Ace Per Head operates on a PPH payment model, distinguishing itself from conventional flat-fee subscriptions. This dynamic model allows bookies to pay a nominal fee, sometimes as low as a dollar, for each person engaging in active bets during a given month. The flexibility of PPH ensures that bookies pay according to their actual usage, avoiding unnecessary financial burdens during seasonal fluctuations.
Unleashing the Power of Ace Per Head Software
Upon subscription, bookies gain access to a top-notch bookie platform that encompasses a comprehensive range of features. This platform, designed for an optimal user experience, is 100% mobile-friendly. Through a single application, bookies can seamlessly accept bets, monitor open bets, access player overviews, manage payments, track scores, and set lines.
Ace Per Head’s innovative approach extends benefits to both gamblers and agents. While bookies navigate the backend through the app interface, players encounter a sleek, user-friendly website. This website, adorned with a well-crafted design, facilitates single-click bets from any device, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable betting experience.
Scalability and Flexibility of PPH Technology
The scalability of PPH technology sets it apart from rigid, flat-fee subscriptions. Unlike fixed monthly costs that may surpass earnings during off-seasons, the PPH model accommodates fluctuations in the number of bettors. This scalability ensures consistent revenue without the stress of covering basic bills for site upkeep and management.
Given the potential earnings of successful bookies, reaching up to $100,000 per week, the flexibility of the PPH model becomes crucial.
All-Inclusive Ace Per Head Services: A Glimpse into Top Features
Custom Bookie Website: Tailored for Success.
Ace Per Head offers an array of customizable sportsbook-specific templates for bookie websites. These templates, designed with bookies in mind, provide options for one-click betting, Bitcoin wallet integration, real-time score tracking, player watch reports, and live betting. The site comes pre-designed to seamlessly incorporate these features, creating an optimal platform for bookies. For those with unique visions that templates cannot accommodate, Ace Per Head also offers the option to create a 100% custom website for an additional fee. The goal is to transform the bookie’s dream into a reality and contribute to brand growth.
Functional Features: Staying Competitive.
Beyond the website setup, Ace Per Head remains committed to keeping sites functional and competitive. Regular updates prevent sites from becoming outdated, slow, or unappealing. Optimization for mobile devices ensures accessibility for players on the go. Tracking trends in the system allows the identification and automatic resolution of potential downtime, ensuring a seamless experience for both bookies and players.
Sportsbook Management Features: Elevating the Bookmaking Experience
Ace Per Head goes beyond basic services, offering a suite of features to enhance the bookmaking experience:
Access to professional oddsmakers
Customizable players and limits
Integrated live betting options
In-app automatic score tracking for events available for betting
Integration with Bitcoin wallets for fast, one-click secure bets
Player watch reports for targeted monitoring
An in-app bet ticker
SMS alerts for placed wagers
In-app secure chats between agents and players
The sportsbook is meticulously managed on a website tailored to specific needs, incorporating Bitcoin payment methods, multifactor authentication, DDoS protection, and security monitoring for a safe betting environment.
Agent and Player Support: Round-the-Clock Assistance.
Acknowledging the challenges of being a bookie, Ace Per Head provides round-the-clock support through a player hotline. Players can reach out for assistance with app-related issues, alleviating the burden on bookies. Simultaneously, a 24/7 agent hotline supports bookies dealing with late-night downtime or irregular issues, ensuring a reliable and supportive partnership.
In summary, Ace Per Head’s revolutionary approach to bookie services, coupled with its advanced PPH software, positions it as a trailblazer in the industry. Whether you’re an aspiring bookie or an experienced professional, Ace Per Head offers the tools and support needed to thrive in the dynamic world of sports betting. Elevate your bookie business, maximize your earnings, and experience unparalleled success with Ace Per Head.
Set Up Your Bookie Business Today
While desktop-based websites aren’t a bad way to make money as a bookie, sports betting mobile apps can take your business to the next level. Ace Per Head is excited to help you set up a 100% mobile-ready platform that you can launch on both Android and iOS devices.Create a custom packageto begin a free six-week demo today.