How to switch
to Ace Per Head

Switching to ACE pay per head is easy!


Our professional staff will take care of everything, and make sure your website operates according to your rules and guidelines. Nearly everything is configurable, and if you can explain it, we can make it work.

Still, have questions? Contact us, we´re always available. Start making more money with pay per head done right, only at Ace Per Head.

Follow the Steps

To fully move your service to Ace pay per head it takes just THREE steps:

Register for an account

1 Register for an account

Register for an agent account: this will only take a few seconds since all we need to get started is your name and contact information (email and phone). Optionally, you can tell us the number of accounts your package requires to start and what kind of website skin you want your players to use. Lastly, we'll need the name of your current pay per head service.

Call us (or we will call you)

2 We'll call or text you

Once you submit your registration, we'll being preparing your account. Expect us to reach out within minutes (or you can call / text us) to get the details for configuring your account.

This initial contact is crucial to get your up and running as fast as possible. The reason we prefer to do this via phone is, first, to establish a good rapport, second to understand all the rules, limits, wager types, player profiles, line types etc. that you require for your package.

With our state of the art software, we are able to configure nearly every aspect imaginable, but in order to do it right we need to understand your book and desires. Not a phone person? Click the LIVE CHAT tab floating on this page and we can do it all from there.

Relax while we setup all your players in our system

3 Relax while we setup all your players in our system

We create your package for you, after we know and understand all the intricate details of your business, we can proceed to create the necessary accounts, profiles, line types etc. This is no small task, especially if your players have open wagers and balances with your previous provider, but our excpetional staff is so familiar with moving people to ace from all of our competitors websites that the average move time is just 15 minutes.

And Voi là, you are ready to go!

Be up and running in no time!

Depending on the size of your book, we can set you up in 15-20 minutes, although larger books may take a bit longer

Custom Websites

If you would like to create a brand of your own, we can custom build a website for you that will have your preferred color scheme, logo and phone number. We have some of the best graphic designers on our staff who can build you a beautiful website in no time, we can even customize the betting backend to match your website’s color scheme.

Now that you know how to switch to AcePerHead, what are you waiting for? There has been no better time to switch to the best pay per head service than now!

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