If you are looking to become a bookie then the best place to start is by searching for a price per head service. These services are tailored to bookies who want to take action from sports by providing an all in one easy to use website with thousands of sports betting options for your players to wager on each day.
These services also have teams of lines makers monitoring the lines 24/7 and updating lines up to the second. One of the top-rated pay per head services in the current industry is
We have over 50 different website skins to choose from and to check out one of them now you can go to
To login as a player to see the demo player website you can go to and click where it says Login Here and the demo username is test2 and password test2. Once you login you can see options on the top toolbar such as straight, parlay, teaser and more which will allow the player to make that type of wager and bring you to the next screen which will give you all the different sports and leagues for you to choose from to see the lines on.
In addition on the initial home screen once you login as the player you can see the player’s current balance, available balance, amount at risk, and last week’s and this week’s win/loss figure. Also, there is a Games up next which shows a quick snap shot of the sporting events that are scheduled to start within the next 30 minutes. Lastly, there is also a most popular right now section just below that shows the games that are receiving the most volume of action on and you can click on any of those to make an immediate bet on them.
There are other features to check out as well such as horses, casino and premium live betting which is a feature that has 50 to 70 live betting options per game and numerous sports and games to bet on. Also, players have reports such as open bets and history of bets in order to keep track of all that information.
Then in order to see the bookie admin demo where you can manage your players and see daily and weekly figures, you can just go to and click the reports tab and the demo agent id is test10 and password test10.
Once you login the initial home page will show your current agency balance on the top of the screen which is the amount that you have pending in your agent account to pay your site fees. Also, there is a current week summary sheet that shows a quick snapshot of each day’s total win or lose figure and a cumulative weekly balance for all your players, with the total amount of active players currently using the site this week.
In addition there are many other reports to choose from on the side panel such as open bets, bet ticker, exposure, player analysis, wager alerts, move lines, player lifetime, player access, agent adjustment and others which can give you all the info you need about your players history of bets and tools to analyze your players betting patterns.
All bets get graded immediately after each game ends and all daily and weekly balances get updated as well. This allows bookies to easily keep track of all player information without actually having to do anything themselves. Lastly, the website is also formatted for smartphones so everything is accessible and easy to use right from the palm of your hand.
Start booking real action then give us a call at 1-800-909-5193 and we can have you set up in minutes so you can start making money as a bookie immediately.