Right now there are a lot of bookies scrambling to find the best place to host their package to increase their sports betting profits.
We’ve Got the Answer
Clearly finding the best betting software for 2019 is a high priority, but we all know software alone cannot guarantee a high profitability, there are a lot of elements that go into making a price per head service the best in the business, including customer service, sharp lines, and a state of the art network.
For those bookies who refuse to settle for average service there is one shop that stands out because they have exceeded all expectations for years, and show no signs of changing that course, we are of course speaking of www.AcePerHead.com, the company that for the last 20 years has been setting the standard for all other pay per head services to follow.
Let’s analyze their platform so you can see what we are talking about.
Award Winning Customer Service
Based on their customer retention stats, these guys have close to 99% customer satisfaction rating, an almost 100% client retention in this industry is unheard-of, but these guys have the numbers and the clients to prove it.
Although their system is very intuitive and easy to navigate and use, there will be times when every bookie will require a helping hand, the customer service staff of AcePerHead.com is comprised of some of the nicest and most knowledgeable people in the business.
Sharp Lines
This is a numbers game, a helpful staff is a wonderful plus, but in the end what matters is that bookies are making enough money to not just stay in business but also to grow and expand. Offering sharp lines every day is the best way to ensure this happens.
It takes a lot of experience and knowledge to consistently put competitive odds in all sports, and other betting events like the Oscars and politics. Bookies who have registered with Ace Per Head have reported a significant increase in the yearly profitability of their businesses, this, unfortunately, is not the case in most other pay per heads.
State of the Art Network
In order for a price per head service to truly offer value to their clients, their network needs to be the best of the best. Slow servers, crappy internet service, cheap security features, slow uploading times, and system crashes are something you will never encounter when you register your package with AcePerHead.com.
They have taken all the necessary precautions to ensure their network is in top working condition every day of the year, they guarantee 99.99% up times to their clients and this is verifiable, no false advertising there.
Outstanding Software
Clearly, a state of the art network deserves nothing less than the best betting software of 2019 running on it, and that is what you can expect from the best pay per head service.
Their software is filled with tons of valuable features that make running your businesses an easy task, full transparency, and up to the minute, reporting will give you the confidence to expand your business and increase your bottom line.
If you are looking for the best place for your players to enjoy this season, then you need to register with www.AcePerHead.com today!