When looking for a pay per head service there are literally thousands of options to choose from on the internet. Besides obviously looking for the best bookie service, many agents also like to look for the best initial starting promotion. Most companies offer at least 1 free week, and some even offer up to 2 free weeks. Other promotions that are available include starting with a low price of say $5 per head for the first month and then after that, the price rises to the standard of $10 per player a week. Each of these promotions ends up saving agents money, which is always a good thing.
However, there is one service out there that has new agent signup promotions that just totally blows away the rest of the competition, which is AcePerHead.com. Their main promotion is their up to 6 week’s free promotion. At first glance it seems too good to be true, however, after speaking with them this is no trick or illusion. With an initial deposit of only $500, an agent will get a total of 6 free weeks, which will be the first week free of each month for 6 months. In addition that deposit amount of $500 is directly used to fund an agent’s current balance and the weeks that they are charged just get deducted from the deposit, which means the deposit will be used in full, including 6 free weeks. The reason they can offer this is that they are so confident in their product that they know that once an Agent begins their experience with Ace, they are never going to want to leave, and thus they get a long-term customer and the customer gets rewarded with a full 6 free weeks of service. A win-win for everyone.
In addition, AcePerHead.com has just introduced a new and additional promo option that can be chosen on a new agent’s initial deposit. The new promo is aimed at the growing need for secure, anonymous and easy payment methods. With the recent explosion of the cryptocurrency market, it appears that bitcoin, ether, litecoin and other such cryptocurrencies are here to stay in terms of transferring money around the world in an easy and safe way. There are numerous websites where one can buy bitcoins, and other such cryptocurrencies, which can be bought with credit cards, debit cards, bank accounts, PayPal, and other various payment methods.
As a result, the various price per head companies is beginning to accept these types of payments instead of the traditional Money Gram and Western Union payment options. Not only does Ace Per Head accept these types of payments but now they are offering promotions for Agents that specifically use Bitcoin, Ether, or Litecoin on their initial deposit. So for any new agent that chooses to use one of these cryptocurrencies on their initial deposit, they will get a matching credit into their account for up to $500. This means that if an Agent sends a $500 bitcoin deposit then they will get a total of $1,000 credited to their agent balance. So based on a $10 price per head this equates to 50 free players, which is a great way to start at a website no matter if you are a small agent with fewer than 10 players or a large agent with hundreds of players. This is a great way to utilize cryptocurrency as a form of payment as a bookie and get rewarded at the same time.