By opening yourself up to the internet and embarking on the lucrative online betting industry, you can now have an endless horizon.
A versatile Pay Per Head solution like Ace Per Head saves you money in the long run by allowing you to focus on your core business while having a betting platform with all the best market practices. Having a large company that can handle the day-to-day operations, such as line making, of your online gambling business can additionally help you grow.
Here’s how Ace Per Head’s professional linemakers can help your sportsbook grow.
Security and Accuracy
When you join a Pay Per Head service, you may feel like you’re losing control over certain aspects of the operation, such as the lines and the board. However, Ace Per Head’s line managers have a firm grasp of the rules and regulations of the business. We ensure your sportsbook has precise lines that enable your business to profit while providing competitive odds.
Keeping You In The Loop
Having a professional call center for all your business operations can help boost your company’s growth and keep you focused on your core business. At Ace Per Head, our call center specialists are all American-English natives who follow the sports that your players care about. Our engineers are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our customers. We take the necessary steps to minimize security vulnerabilities and perform routine maintenance on our servers and data centers.
Get Versatile Pay Per Head Solution with Ace Per Head
Unlike subscription-based services, which require you to pay the same monthly rate, Pay Per Head platforms allow you to have a flexible and scalable business. This eliminates the need to spend a lot of money on maintaining and improving your facility.
They only make you pay for the people you are actively working with. For instance, if you have 2,000 people betting on the Super Bowl, you’ll pay around $20,000 ($10 for each of them). On the flip side, if you have 20 during the off-season, you’ll only have to pay $200.
The process of becoming a bookie is relatively simple. After you have chosen to use Ace Per Head’s Pay Per Head platform, you can start your agenthood journey immediately.
If you are a bookie looking to become a successful bookmaker agent, then Pay Per Head services are the first choice. These types of services cater to bookie operators’ needs and provide them with a professional online PPH sportsbook. Ace Per Head has received stellar ratings due to the company’s ability to provide its customers with the best possible service, technology, and versatility.
So, if you are looking for the best possible service, contact us today to learn how Ace Per Head can help your casino bookie service succeed.