Did you know that85% of Americanshave placed a bet at some point in their lives? Well, it’s true, and around 60% of people across the country regularly turn to sports betting for entertainment.
Now that 48 states have some form of legal gambling, it can be tempting to make some money as a sportsbook agent. This is an awesome idea that’s both fun and lucrative. However, if you want to be successful, it’s important that you sign up for a top-tier sports betting platform.
Read on to learn how you can choose your software, optimize it, and help players feel safe when using it.
Choose the Right Sports Betting Platform
Larger bookies can makebetween $50,000-$100,000 per weekafter expanding. This amounts to over a million dollars in a single year. However, in order to grow large enough to turn this profit, you need to choose a sports betting platform provider that works to meet your needs.
If you don’t, you’ll struggle to sign on and work with players, which means that you won’t have time to sign on nearly as many. You also will struggle with the stress of manually managing your platform constantly. To nip these problems in the bud, you’ll need to invest in the top pay per head services available.
What Is Pay Per Head (PPH)?
Pay per head services are fully managed platforms that you and your players use for sports betting. Bettors place money down on various sports and events via the software. These bets appear on your end so that you can track them and cash out when it’s time.
PPH technologyis sometimes referred to as ‘price per player’ software. This is because of the way that you pay for the services.
Many traditional online bookie platforms charge a flat fee upfront and then give you lifetime access to the software. While this may sound appealing at first, these platforms generally do not automate updates and become obsolete quickly. Subscription-based models are constantly optimized and therefore are a better investment.
PPH platforms aren’t just any subscription-based software. You don’t need to pay the same amount per month regardless of the number of players you have.
Instead, you pay a small fee- about $10 per person (or head). You don’t pay any more than this since there are no hidden costs. The only way for the price to go up is if you choose to purchase additional features, and even then it will not go up past $20 per person (maximum).
This ensures that you never will be paying more than you make. Your sportsbook will always remain profitable since players often place bets for several hundred (or thousand) dollars. The $10 per person fee is nothing compared to the profit you’ll be turning in bets, and since you don’t need to pay for anyone you aren’t currently working with, PPH makes sense.
Make sure that any bookie platform you select is PPH. If you’re not vigilant about this, you’ll lose a lot of unnecessary money to your provider.
Why Select a PPH Platform for Your Bookie Needs?
The payment model of PPH services makes your sportsbook extremely scalable and flexible. You’ll pay more around the times of major sporting events such as the Olympics, World Series, FIFA World Cup, and Super Bowl. This is because a successful bookie signs on a significant number of major bettors during these times.
Traditional payment models would require you to keep paying a high fee even during the off-season. However, working with a top PPH provider like Ace Per Head means that you don’t need to pay for all of these players when they aren’t actively working with you. This helps you to make as much money as possible while operating your sportsbook.
PPH websites also are awesome because they’re fully managed. We help you set up a website from one of our many templates (or from scratch, if you prefer). However, the work doesn’t stop there.
Depending on the pay per head package that you choose, you’ll need to determine what features you want. This is a critical part of selecting the best white label sports betting platform.
What Features Are Essential for Your Sportsbook?
So, what features do you need for your sportsbook? The list is endless. However, some of the most important features include:
- The ability totry out a demobeforehand to ensure a good fit
- Safety, security, and anonymity
- Player IDs to ensure that we (and others) can’t access agent or player’s personal information
- A specially-designed website that looks exactly as you envision it
- Clear pricing with no hidden costs
- A 24/7 call center for both you and your players
- Automatic updates to optimize your platform
- Score tracking and assessment
- Transparent displaying of bets where both agents and players can see
While many providers may offer a few of these services, Ace Per Head provides all of them and more. We’re the best sports betting platform for a reason.
We give you access to every feature listed above as well as custom help with your own unique needs. Select a PPH provider that lets you run your sportsbook with full control while still managing it for you.
Look at Reviews
Around84% of peopletrust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. If you’re among them, you know the importance of getting feedback from as many people as possible. This is especially true if you’re about to build a business.
Make sure that you read reviews on a variety of sources. Ace Per Head displays a few on our website, but you can also find awesome detailed reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp. Look around to be as confident as possible in your choice.
Automate Score Tracking
Now you know how to choose a platform (and why Ace Per Head is the best choice on the market). Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can optimize your platform once it’s set up.
The first thing to do is automate score tracking. Traditionally, bookmakers needed to keep careful track of sports seasons, events, players, and even points scored so they know who owes them vs who requires payment. This is a grueling process and takes a lot of time, so you can only offer so many items to bet on.
Asking Ace Per Head to link your website to tracking platforms means that you won’t need to constantly check scores. You also won’t be limited to the events that you can manually track. This lets you expand your sportsbook further.
Eliminate Professional Gamblers
Many hardcore gamblers make a living by placing bets with bookies. This can be extremely bad news for agents because they’ll be required to cash out on someextremelylarge bets.
Luckily, it’s perfectly legal to refuse to work with professional gamblers. You just need to stipulate this on your PPH website. You also need to know how to identify gambling pros so you can immediately refund their bets and refuse to work with them.
Generally, professional gamblers will place extremely large bets. You can refuse to accept bets over $1000 if you want to vet them out easily.
If you don’t want to do this, remember that professional gamblers tend to place these large bets weeks or even months in advance. Most normal gamblers wait until a few days before the event so they have all possible information.
Expand Your Sportsbook Globally
Online sports betting is awesome because it allows you to reach a global audience. Anyone with a working internet connection can find you regardless of location.
This is beneficial because certain sports are more popular abroad while others are more common in the US. An American market probably cares more about the Super Bowl. However, soccer is an enormous sport globally despite its lack of popularity in the US.
Boosting your visibility globally means gaining a profit off multiple sports.
So, how can you make this happen?
You should accept payment in bitcoin to eliminate currency conversions. People both in and out of the US also are more likely to bet in crypto because it’s safe, secure, and untraceable. They value their privacy and also shouldn’t have access to your information.
These steps will ensure that your global expansion runs smoothly. You also can join online communities of international agents. Forming partnerships and professional connections is a great way to optimize your sports betting platform.
Get Started With Pay Per Head Services
Now that you know how to choose and optimize your sports betting platform, it’s time to get started.Sign upfor our pay per head services today.
We’ll give you a six-week free trial so that you can try it before you buy it. We also will consult with you and answer any lingering questions that you have about Ace Per Head. Since we’re committed to helping you make money as a bookie, we’re looking forward to helping you sign on players soon.