If you’re a bookie looking to reach the 1.8 million people in West Virginia, you likely have wondered about the legalities of gambling there.
So, is being a bookie illegal in the Mountain State?
Read on to answer this question and learn the ins and outs of West Virginia sports betting.
Is Being a Bookie Illegal in West Virginia?
The answer to this question is a resounding “no.” Sports betting is 100% legal across West Virginia.
When the Supreme Court overturned the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) in 2018, West Virginia was quick to take action. They passed legislation legalizing being a bookie almost immediately. This happened less than 3.5 months after the sports betting ban was lifted.
Sports betting, including online and mobile betting, went live in August 2019. Today, players can use many popular sportsbooks including BetMGM and FanDuel in the state. They also can use smaller independently-run sportsbooks, so their gambling market is open to budding bookies like you!
West Virginia is also one of the states with the lowest taxation rates. Bookies only need to pay a10% taxon their revenue after paying out winners.
Mobile Betting Restrictions
West Virginia is one of the most progressive states when it comes to sports betting. No sporting events are off-limits, so bookies can offer betting on pretty much anything with an audience. This is a great way to stay competitive and get in with multiple markets.
Note, however, that you cannot offer gambling options for high school events (or others involving minors). Youcanlet people bet on the final outcomes of college games. However, you cannot offer props betting for college sports players.
You will also need toundergo licensingin order to operate a sportsbook in West Virginia. Luckily, working with a certified provider like Ace Per Head means bypassing this expensive hardship. We’ve already taken care of logistics and fees, and you’ll be working within our platform.
Who Can Place a Bet?
Those looking to wager online in West Virginia need to be 21 years of age or older. They also need to be within state boundaries. Geolocation technologies installed on smartphones allow players to know whether they’re in the right jurisdiction.
When you set up your pay per head (PPH) gambling website, these are the qualifications that West Virginia gamblers will need to meet.
Note that those within West Virginia don’t necessarily need to wager on local events. For example, if the Super Bowl is taking place in Florida (a state that does not allow sports betting), people in the Mountain State can still place bets on it. The location of the gambler matters; the location of the event does not.
The Pay Per Head Sportsbook Model
The AcePerHead sportsbook software uses a pay-per-head payment model, which is becoming more common in the industry.
Price Per Head bookie software benefits bookies because it allows them to pay rates depending on the number of players they have instead of flat rates. For example, if a bookie has 10 weekly players, they’ll pay less than someone with 30.
If you’re new to bookmaking, PPH sportsbook software will ensure you can save money to keep investing in your business. Price per head sportsbook also allows software providers like AcePerHead to provide a plethora of beneficial services to bookies.
How Much AcePerHead Charges?
AcePerHead’s rates start as low as $3 per head weekly and they accept a variety of payment methods. However, the rate can increase depending on the services a bookie wants.
For example, if you want to use AcePerHead’s 24/7 customer support, you may need to pay more. Yet, the basic services that AcePerHead offers are enough for anyone to start a sportsbook business.
Use AcePerhead Sports Betting Software for Your Platform
If you’re ready to take your sportsbook business to another level, it’s time to start using the AcePerHead sports betting software. Even if you lack bookmaking experience, AcePerHead will ensure you understand the basics.
Before becoming a sportsbook owner, try to save money to afford the pay-per-head rates. Although they’ll be lower if you have a small player base, you can expect to grow fast with AcePerHead.
Get Started With Ace Per Head
So, is being a bookie illegal in West Virginia? Absolutely not! Now that you know the basics of becoming a Mountain State bookie, it’s time to start setting up a cutting-edge sportsbook.
Ace Per Head’s professionals are committed to helping you set up a mobile-ready platform that engages and entices legal gamblers across the country. We’ll help you install and use features like SMS alerts, player reports, and custom lines when you work with us.Start a 6-week demoto learn how we can help you grow!