Is Being a Bookie Illegal in Washington State?

Just like a few other U.S. states, the Washington state sports betting laws are a little complicated. Technically, sports gambling is legal. But in order for people to put in sports bets, they have to visit one of the state’s tribal casinos.

Something is better than nothing when it comes to the Washington state gambling laws. But if you were thinking about trying to become a bookie in the state, you’d better think again.

Keep reading to learn more about whether or not working as a bookie is illegal in Washington state.

Is It Illegal to Be a Bookie in Washington State?

If you’re somehow able to snag a job atone of the tribal casinosin Washington State, you may be able to become a bookie. But otherwise, it isn’t going to be legal for you to work as a bookie under the current Washington state sports betting laws.

As of right now, it’s not legal for anyone in Washington state to place sports bets online. So even if you were to set up an online sports betting site, it wouldn’t be legal for any clients to use it. You could get yourself into trouble by establishing a site like this.

Will It Ever Be Legal to Work as a Bookie in Washington State?

While Washington state sports betting laws prohibit you from becoming a bookie today, that isn’t to say things will stay this way forever. Sports gambling in this country is still in its infancy stages. It seems unlikely that all states won’t come around to legalizing it in all forms in the years to come.

Those in Washington state might find that sports gambling will be legalized both in-person and online in the coming years. If this happens, it could open up a pathway for you to begin working as a bookie.

How Can You Prepare to Be a Bookie in Washington State?

You might not be able to start a bookie business in 2023. But there is a chance you may be able to do it in the future. So why not start getting ready for it now?

Familiarize yourself with the bookie software from a pay per head service like Ace Per Head. Thissportsbook softwarewill set you up with everything you’ll need to accept sports bets from clients down the line.

It’d be a good idea to get a feel for this bookie software now so that you aren’t scrambling to do it later.

Advantages of Pay Per Head Services

A pay per head company will provide you with sports betting software for the new and old Washington State’s bookmakers. You need to get your betting shop moving in the right direction. And they’ll do this while charging you as little as $3 per head for PPH services. It can save you so much money.

Here are several of the other biggest advantages of utilizing pay per head services to start an online gambling site.


Whenever possible, you’ll want to try to establish a custom website for your clients to use. But it can be tricky trying to do this when you’re creating a sports betting site from scratch. It can also be very expensive to do it.

With pay per head services, you won’t need to worry about this aspect of things. A PPH service like Ace Per Head can provide you with a customized site that will impress your clients.

Ace Per Head can also help you pick and choose which online gambling elements you’d like to incorporate into your site. From an online casino to live sports betting, you can choose whichever options you want.


If you decide to start up your own sports betting website in Washington State with Ace Per Head’s help, it isn’t going to be terribly convenient to do it. You’ll be in charge of doing everything from updating thebetting lineson your site to getting things squared away at the end of each week with your clients. It can be challenging to keep up with all this.

Ace Per Head’s pay per head services will take care of all these types of tasks automatically for you. It’ll make launching a bookie business easier for you and allow you to focus on attempting to bring in more clients.

Customer Service

Both you and your clients will occasionally have questions about sports betting that you’ll need to have answered. Under normal circumstances, you’ll be responsible for finding answers for yourself while also providing them to your clients.

But this won’t be the case when you use pay per head services in Washington State. The best bookie software company, Ace Per Head, can take care of all your customer service needs right from the start.

Keep Tabs on the Washington State Sports Betting Laws

The Washington state sports betting laws might not allow you to become a bookie now. But it wouldn’t be shocking to see that change sometime soon.

If it does, you should try to be one of the first ones to know about it. It’ll give you an opportunity to start using the bookie software available through Ace Per Head to provide people with the ability to place sports bets easily through you.

Find out moreabout our bookie software to see how you can take advantage of it.