More thanhalf of all Americanslive in an area where sports gambling is legal or on the verge of becoming legalized.
If you have an online bookmaking business, this is amazing news! With growing legalization comes more acceptance and exposure. The issue, of course, is that more exposure also means more competition. How can you grow your sportsbook and find quality clients?
Growing an online sportsbook isn’t as difficult as you may think. With a few simple tips, you can begin an online bookmaking company that makes money and provides users with a satisfying experience. Read on for some tips that you can start using today!
Set Up Incentives For New Users
Sign-up bonuses and free bets for new users are some of the oldest tricks in the online sports gambling book. There’s a reason everyone uses these tactics: they work.
Signing up for a new service and placing a bet can be an intimidating experience for some people, especiallynew sports bettors. New clients may not trust your business enough to place a lot of bets in the beginning, and that’s okay! You can encourage them with a free first bet and sign-up bonuses.
You could give a sign-up bonus up to x amount for every $100 in bets and give them a free bet after their first deposit. This encourages a deposit and gives you the chance to show that you have a legitimate bookmaking business. It also allows them to get a look at your site and become familiar with how your user interface looks.
You can also set up conditions for the sign-up bonus. You wouldn’t want someone to deposit $100, get a $25 bonus, and then immediately withdraw $125. Most companies will allow clients to withdraw the bonus money only after they have placed bets for the amount of their bonus money. For the free bet, you can set up a similar structure, or just let the chips fall where they may.
This will attract new clients and let them get familiar with your business. You can also provide them with other perks, such as a reloading bonus, to keep them around.
Have a Referral System
Word of mouth marketingis still one of the most effective forms of marketing. There’s a good chance your clients know other people interested in online sports gambling. Why not put them to work for you?
You can offer current customers a monetary reward for each person who signs up and deposits money in their account, or you could give your current client and the person they referred a free bet. You can do flat referral fees or a percentage of the money that someone deposits, depending on what you think will motivate your clients.
When setting up a referral program, reach out to your top customers and ask them what structure they’d like to see. This not only helps develop a great program, but it will also show your current clients that you value them and their feedback.
Use Content Marketing to Bring Customers to Your Site
If you want to grow your sportsbook online, content marketing is the best way to bring in customers looking to gamble.
When someone uses Google or Bing to find information, the search engine ranks websites based on how well they think they’ll meet the needs of the searcher. To rank the websites, Google and others use various metrics, but the most important things they look for are keywords and valuable content.
Keywords are what you and others type into a search engine. They are short phrases, such as ‘online bookmaking’ or ‘NFL lines week 8’. Search engines crawl websites looking for these phrases inside of content. It’s important to use these phrases naturally, as Google will punish your site and lower its ranking if you try to stuff them in your content.
There are different measurements used to gauge the value of content, but as long as you have informative posts, Google and Bing will recognize that and suggest your sites to users. These users are already looking for your business. If you have content that gives them the information they need, you’ll build trust and have a greater chance of getting them to sign up for your service.
53% of all web trafficgoes to the first site Google recommends to searchers. 90% goes to those on the first page, meaning if you don’t have a content marketing strategy, you’re losing out on all those potential customers. Get on the first page of Google by building content around high-quality and relevant keywords, and you’ll grow your sportsbook quickly.
Use A Pay Per Head Service
One mistake many new sports bookies make is not knowing how much work goes into setting up their online sportsbook. You’ll have toset up a website, and with most gamblers going mobile now, you’ll need to make sure they can access it from phones and tablets. You also have to set lines, manage customer service, and manage payments.
Skipping any of these steps makes it difficult to grow your sportsbook. A PPH service can manage these things for you and make it easy to get your online bookmaking service. The key is finding the right service.
Ace Per Head Will Help You Grow Your Sportsbook!
Growing your sportsbook might seem daunting, but by following the tips above, you’re giving yourself an impressive start! It’s important to remember, however, that as you increase your client count, you’re also increasing your responsibilities and costs.
Scaling your business is much easier when you have a professional pay-per-head service like Aceperhead by your side. We’re able to help you set up a professional-looking website that looks great on PCs and mobile devices. We can also handle your customer service needs, protect your client’s information and privacy, and can even help you develop winning lines that increase your margins and manage your exposure.
If you’re ready to grow your sportsbook and improve your client’s experience,get in touch with ustoday! We have a team of professionals standing by that can help you improve every aspect of your online bookmaking business.