When using the back-end Agent Reports section on a pay-per-head sportsbook it is important to familiarize yourself with all the different features that the pay-per-head sportsbook has available. One of the most important, yet basic features that every pay-per-head sportsbook has is the Weekly Balances report. Clearly, this is one of the most necessary features because it is where you can see each and every one of your player’s daily and weekly figures, and whether or not you are making or losing money.
Weekly Balance Report
On Ace Per Head.com the Weekly Balance report can be found on the left-hand side panel of the screen under the Common Column. Once you click the Weekly Balance tab, you will have the option to view any week that you want to see and can sort it by showing only active accounts or all accounts, showing just sports, casino, and horseplayers, or all three types of players combined, and lastly, you can sort by agent, distributor (this is when you have subagents under you), and by player account. Typically most agents select the current week, show active-only players, and all transactions, and sort by the agent.
Once you have selected how you want to view the weekly balance you will then have two Weekly Balance Reports that you can view. The first report is at the top of the screen and is the Grand Total report. This will combine all of your players’ daily figures, and this week’s figures into one simplified number, with an exact Player Count total for each day and the total for the week. If you are a distributor and have multiple subagents, this Grand Total report will combine all the figures for your entire package.
Each day of the week will show a dollar value, if it is a positive number it will be in black and will reflect how much the players have won that particular day. If the dollar value is red and is a negative number then that will reflect how much your players lost for that particular day. Below each day it will show the total amount of players that played that particular day.
- This Week Column
On the far right-hand side of the screen, there will be a This Week column that will show a combined dollar amount in either black or red of what your entire group of players is up or down for the week.
- At Risk Column
Next to this, there will be an At Risk column that will show a total dollar amount of wagers that your players currently have pending. Then there is a Ptms Column, which stands for Payments, and that will reflect any payments or adjustments that you made to any of your player accounts during the week.
- Balance Column
Lastly, there is a Balance Column, which will show their current balance for the week if you have your players set to reset their balance each week. If you have your players set to roll their balance each week then this column will show the total running Balance of all accounts reflecting their overall rollover balance number.
Second Report
The Second Report on the Weekly balance screen has the same exact columns and usage as the Grand Total report, but the big difference is that it will show it in a list of each individual player listed on your agent account, or if you have subagents it will group it alphabetically by subagent, and show each individual player’s daily and weekly figures. Each player will be seen by their player account number with their password directly below it. The one extra feature on this report compared to the Grand Total report is that you can click directly on the dollar figure for a specific day, and you will see all the individual wagers, and amounts that that player did for that specific day, which adds up to that daily number. Also on the At Risk column, you can click on that dollar amount and it will give you a pop-up screenshot of each of that player’s pending wagers that adds up to that specific At Risk amount.
As one can see the Weekly Balance report is a simple yet important, and concise feature that is a must-have feature for any pay-per-head sportsbook agent. This report will definitely be one of your most-used reports on the entire PPH sportsbook website.
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