Understanding Football Bookmaking

Football is an adrenaline-pumpingspectator sportthat has a little of everything. Strategy, physical contact, speed, teamwork, and agility are all reasons that people love following football.

It’s a fun sport to watch and bet on, so bookies can really boost their sportsbooks with football bookmaking options. Read on for a football sports betting guide so you can increase your profits and popularity.

The Basics of Football Bookmaking

Football bookmaking means offering odds on NFL teams, players, props, and events. It also frequently means allowing bets on college football teams.

However, there might be some limitations on props betting for college events, so do careful research and talk to your pay per head providers about the legalities.

Why Football?

Football is easily themost popular sportin the US. 41% of Americans rank it as their #1 favorite event.

This is a way bigger figure than any other sport has, with baseball in the #2 slot. Only 10% of people say baseball is their top choice, so it’s a distant second.

Offering betting on football is an important way to make your sportsbook grow. It’s what most people want to bet on, so failing to offer it turns away those who love to follow their favorite teams and events.

Football isn’t just a popular sport or a lucrative opportunity. It’s also fun for bookies to follow. There are 32 NFL teams, so you’ll have the chance to watch tons of games or track interesting scores from teams throughout the season.

This is a ton of fun, and being a bookie lets you take this exciting endeavor a step further.Reputable sportsbook platformslike Ace Per Head let you set your own odds and lines, so you can have fun mathing everything out. Of course, we also offer professional oddsmakers who can set expert competitive lines for you, but the metaphorical ball’s in your court!

Bookmaking Strategies to Master Football Betting

To become a bookie, using a top pay-per-head (PPH) platform is the highest priority. You want people to be able to access your website via mobile devices. After all, that’s how60% of peopleprefer to access the net.

You should set up your bookie site to prominently feature football betting. Put recent NFL scores on your home page, put odds next to each team, and constantly update them. Make sure to draw people in with football-related images as well as info.

This makes it clear that you’re all about football during the NFL season.

Best Bookie Software Solutions

Football Bookmaking

Explore the best bookie software solutions to optimize your betting business. Click to learn more and elevate your operations today!

Pay Per Head Payment Models

Subscription-based bookie platforms offer regular updates and upgrades. This is infinitely better than one-time-purchase software that you need to manage manually on your own. However, paying a flat fee each month means that you’ll spend more on your platform than you make during the off-season.

Luckily, pay-per-head services provide a simple solution to this problem!

You pay a small fee between $1 and $10 per active bettor each month. If someone placed a bet with you last month but hasn’t during this one, you don’t pay for them. This keeps your sportsbook scalable and flexible so you’re consistently lucrative.

When you use a PPH platform, you can make up to $100,000 weekly. That’s an annual salary of $5 million, so you’ll be sitting pretty in the lap of luxury. Even before you grow to that point,PPH systemslet you rake in enough cash for a $30,000+ salary that’s well above the minimum wage… with flexible hours and work-from-anywhere freedoms.

Features to Look For

During your sportsbook software comparison, there are several important features to look into if you want to turn a profit. They include:

  • An in-app bet ticker
  • SMS alerts when someone places a bet
  • Player watch reports with in-depth information
  • An integrated dashboard for easy betting and payments
  • Live sports bettingcapabilities
  • Easy one-click betting
  • MFA features, DDoS protection, and firewalls
  • Secure end-to-end agent/player chat features

Fully configurable lines and player limits also keep you in control, so prioritize customizable features.

Ace Per Head: The Best Bookie Software

Ace Per Head’s best betting software offers all these features and more. Our security measures involve assigning every account a random number that they use when placing bets or reaching out to us. Both your privacy and your players’ are protected when names and financial information aren’t involved.

Bitcoin payment methods also provide the security of anonymity, and they’re more convenient than other forms of payment. All you and your gamblers need to do is hook a Bitcoin eWallet up to the sportsbook app to get started.

Another great thing about Ace Per Head is our team’s expert web designers. We help you create a 100% mobile-ready platform and launch it for both Android and Apple devices. These platforms are made from templates designed especially to accommodate bookie features like integrated score-tracking, information aboutodds and lines, and easy payouts.

Beyond Expert Betting Tips

Football bookmaking is a great way to increase your sportsbook revenue, so it’s important to prioritize it when growing your sportsbook. Ace Per Head is happy to help you offer football betting software to your gamblers easily so they can place one-click Bitcoin bets on their favorite events.

We’re excited to help you integrate real-time football scores on your website. Our oddsmakers will also help you set professionally-made odds and lines so you can stand out above the competition.Create a custom packageto give our software a whirl!