There are several options for sports betting agents to expand their business offering, one is to become a credit agent with an established offshore sportsbook and the other is branch out and become a full online sportsbook owner by contracting the services of a pay per head service.
Which is Better for You
There are benefits to each of these options, and some drawbacks as well, therefore determining which is best for you and the future of your sports betting shop is imperative. Being able to compare the features of each option is a good way to decide which one fits your needs.
Credit Agent
When a bookie decides to partner with an established offshore sportsbook, they are considered to be agents with their own player sheet, but their players are set up as credit players rather than post up.
The main thing to know is that you will be partners with the sportsbook, meaning you will work out a percentage of responsibility for the package, it could be 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, etc. This way the profits and losses are split between the agent and the sportsbook.
This is a good option for independent bookies who need financial backing, in order to stay afloat, the sportsbook handles all the odds, acceptance of bets, payroll etc. in exchange for a percentage of the agent’s business.
Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to this type of business deal mainly, the sports betting agent has little to no say in how the lines are dealt, wager types, products offered and other details that help mark the difference between one bookie and the next. The sportsbook is the one who dictates the policies and the credit agents must accept these terms.
This limits the growth opportunities for these agents as they are constrained to what the sportsbook is willing to offer, and those items may not necessarily be what players are looking for.
Pay Per Head Agents (PPH Agents)
Bookmakers who are looking to grow their business, offer more and better gambling products but wish to retain 100% control of their businesses will not be interested in partnering up with an established sportsbook, for them contracting the services of a price per head company might be a much more appealing option.
Top pay per head companies with ample experience and extended trajectory in the industry like www.AcePerHead.com are able to offer security, innovation and most of all flexibility to sports betting agents who are looking to start, move or expand their businesses online.
Agents retain full control of their limits, max wagers, max payouts per wager, line types, and type of odds offered, they can also create their own personalized player profiles, and manage everything online through the secure agent console.
What’s more, they can choose to move their own lines or rely on the odds experts working for Ace Per Head, they have full visibility of their player’s activity and overall exposure through the agent console, being able to increase or decrease limits for individual players, review player activity, and run all reports online.
This option provides ample opportunities to expand and diversify their product offering while retaining the identity of the brand.
The only drawback in this option is for agents who are looking for a partner to share the financial liability because the PPH companies do not engage in paying or collecting from any player, that is the sole responsibility of the agent. Instead, they provide top of the line services and betting products for a flat fee.