Are you still taking the old-school approach tobeing a bookieand recording all the bets your sports betting clients place with a pen and paper? If so, you’re basically stuck in the Stone Age at this point.
In 2023, you’ll be able to run a bookie business so much more efficiently by getting your hands on the pay per head software available through AcePerHead. It’ll give you an opportunity to offer online betting to your clients from now on.
It’ll also give you the chance to enjoy a whole host of PPH sportsbook benefits. Check out a few of the benefits of running a PPH sportsbook that you should know about below.
Gives You Access to a Sports Betting Website
When you sign up to use a pay per head platform like AcePerHead, it’ll allow you to begin using a sports betting website to run your bookie business. You won’t have to spend all your time recording your clients’ bets anymore.
You can create accounts on your sports betting website for your clients and let them go to town. PPH betting will result in you having to do so much less work than you would need to do otherwise.
Provides You With the Latest Sports Betting Lines
From the second you set up a PPH sportsbook, it’ll provide you with all thesports betting linesyou’ll need to run a successful bookie business. It’ll also update these betting lines accordingly over time.
This is another one of the PPH sportsbook benefits that’ll save you so much time when you’re working as a bookie. You won’t have to worry about manually updating sports betting lines or even running with sports betting lines that might not be as accurate as they could and should be.
Helps You Keep Track of Your Clients’ Wins and Losses
In the past, you may have been in charge of tallying up all your clients’ wins and losses to see how they fared over the course of a week. This may have led to you making costly mistakes at times.
You won’t have to sit down and do this when you utilize the best pay per head software. It’ll keep track of all your clients’ wins and losses and let you know whether clients are up or down at the end of a week. It’ll make running your bookie business so much more manageable for you.
Costs You Very Little to Reap All These Rewards
Of all thePPH sportsbookbenefits on this list, this one might be the most surprising. You’ll be happy to hear that a pay per head platform like AcePerHead should be able to set you up with PPH services that won’t break the bank.
AcePerHead can cost as little as just $3 per head. You’ll also be able to benefit from the 6-week free promo offer that AcePerHead provides to new customers.
Salary: How Much Does a Bookie Make a Year?
Ace Per Head is a leading bookmakers platform provider. Find out everything you need to know about how our platform works right here.
Do you want to turn your love for sports betting into a full-fledged bookie business? If so, you’ll probably want to spend some time trying to figure out what a bookie salary will look like for you.
It can be tricky to do this. Many online job sites list the average bookie salary ataround $50,000.
But the truth is that there are many factors that’ll determine your bookie salary when you work in this field. If you end up running one of the best sportsbooks around, you could be looking at making way more than just $50,000 per year.
Take a look at several factors that’ll impact your bookie salary below.
Overhead Expenses
The good news is that you won’t have too manyoverhead expenseswhen you’re working as a bookie. You shouldn’t have to be concerned about these kinds of expenses affecting your bookie salary.
You will, however, need to invest in some of the best pay per head software that money can buy. Pay per head services will make it possible for you to set your clients up with a customized website and the most current sharp betting lines.
A company like Ace Per Head can provide you with great pay per head services at a price point you’ll be able to afford. These services will cost you as little as $3 per head through a company like this.
Number of Clients
Do you plan on having a dozen or so clients asa bookie? Or are you going to swing for the fences and cater to hundreds of clients?
The more clients you have, the higher your bookie salary should be. But you will need to aim to keep your number of clients at the right point.
If you have too many clients at once, you might not be able to set them up with the stellar services they deserve. Strive to sign up the number of clients you feel comfortable working with at one time.
Clients’ Success
At the end of the day, the success your clients have might be the biggest factor when it comes to your bookie salary. If your clients are always winning gigantic bets, it’s going to take a toll on how much income you’re able to generate.
For this reason, you might want to use your price per head software to limit the size of the bets your clients can place. It’ll help you steer clear of running into any situations where your clients might win more money from you than you can afford to pay out.
Start Taking Advantage of These PPH Sportsbook Benefits
Once you begin running an online sportsbook, you’ll wonder why you didn’t decide to do it so much sooner. You’ll get the chance to enjoy all theprice per head bookie benefits listed here plus more.
AcePerHead would love to help you secure the best pay per head software in the business.Sign up for an accounttoday.