The world’s economy is in a constant flux, these ups and downs affect our local economies leaving online businesses especially vulnerable.
The Key Is Cost Effectiveness
While the tendency is to expand during the good times, the inevitable downward curve will hit forcing businesses to cut back on their investments, in time this can have serious consequences that can even lead to closures.
At AcePerHead.com, we have come up with the perfect answer for bookie agents, our betting software solutions are cost-effective, scalable, and innovative. Therefore, bookies who register with us, do not suffer due to the downgrades that other pay per head services impose on them during hard financial times.
What this means is that we can sustain the high quality of our service during lean times, and expand more aggressively than our competitors during the prosperous times. And you can rest assured that once we upgrade one of our services, we will never go back, and because of the incredible partnerships we have built over the years, our pricing is extremely stable and only in rare occasions will fluctuate.
Today’s market requires betting applications to be responsive and mobile, so anyone can access them without any problems regardless of what makes their device is. That is something we have strived to provide our agents from day 1, and we have succeeded. We have our own full-time staff of programmers, developers, and graphic designers, which we utilize to upgrade and improve the functionality of our products.
This makes our betting software solutions stand out from the rest of the crowd, you benefit from custom-made tools, and added security features at no additional cost. This provides our agents with an opportunity to expand their businesses in a way previously unimaginable.
Cost-effectiveness is the key to long-term success in the online sportsbook industry, the unpredictable nature of the business demands this, a high cost of operation is the single most damaging issue for online bookies, which explains why so many stand-alone sportsbooks have gone under in recent years.
From the beginning, we understood that in order to succeed in the pay per head industry, we needed to create a streamlined system, that was flexible, innovative, and most of all cost-effective for all agents regardless of their size. We feel it is unfair for the little guys to have pay more, we start our pricing at just $10 per head, and while we are willing to provide discounts for larger packages our starting price is the same for everyone.
One way we have been able to streamline our services is with the use of technology, we have created tools to automate a lot of our daily tasks, freeing up valuable time so our line and odds experts can dedicate more time to creating the best odds for our agents. Automation also means we can do more with less staff. Having a smaller staff does in no way mean the quality of our customer service will diminish, in fact, it is quite the contrary, our personnel can do more in less time, so you will never feel neglected.
At AcePerHead.com we provide profitable online betting applications for all, come experience the difference, sign up today!