Pay per head is a service that bookies use to book action on sports. These services provide a fully inclusive website that is a turnkey solution where they post up to the second odds on thousands of sporting events each day. These services handle all the technical functions of bookmaking, while you, as the bookie, just need to have players that want to bet with you through the website.
The legality of pay per head will depend on where you are located. So the first thing you will need to do is check with your local attorney to see if booking action and using a pay per head service are legal in your specific area. Especially in the United States, where a lot of recent laws have changed about the gambling business, it is important to find out the specific laws in your state to make sure you are doing everything by the book.
In addition, you should also speak directly to the pay per head provider, like Ace Per Head, to see where they are located and if they have the proper licenses. This is an industry that usually gets a bad rap due to movies and legislature, which means it is important to check with your local attorney because laws are constantly changing.
If you are located in an area where it is legal to be a bookie and use a pay-per-head service then you can get set up in minutes. It is as simple as going on the internet and searching for a pay per head sportsbook service.
Price Per Head
These services typically charge $10 per active player per week for the service, and you only get charged for an active player if the player has a graded wager for the week. So, for example, if you have 50 players but only 32 players bet that week, then you would only get charged $320 for those 32 active players that week. Whatever the players win or lose each week is handled directly between the bookie and the player, and the bookie keeps 100% of the losses.
The beauty of this pay-per-head setup is that you get to keep 100% of the losses for your players and only need to pay that minimal $10 per active player per week fee. Anyone who has gambled or been to a casino will know firsthand that it is very hard to be a consistent winner. This is why the phrase “the house always wins” is such a true statement and why casinos practically give away free rooms and food just to get people to spend money in their casinos.
The gambling industry is a multibillion-dollar industry, and no matter the economic situation, people are always going to bet with the hopes of turning a little bit of money into a big score. The dream of winning is always going to be a part of the culture of betting, but the reality is that players are going to lose over the long term. So if it is legal to use a pay per head service in your area then becoming a bookie could be a very profitable business venture for you. Sign up today for a free six-week promo.
How Legalized Sports Gambling Will Change Being A Bookie?
Right now, we’re amid a legalized sports gambling sweep across the United States. Once theUS Supreme Courtruled that individual states were constitutionally permitted to legalize sports betting, the race to pass legislation began.
Now, in states where betting or pay per head is legal, online sportsbooks pop up like dandelions after a spring rain. Everyone wants a piece of the action.
The question remains: how will legal betting change a bookie? We have some ideas. Read on to find out.
Legalized Sports Betting Means Competition
If you were a bookie before the pay per head became legal, your only competition was from other bookies. Even then, you probably had a built-in market of gamblers available to you who wanted to lay action.
Now, you compete with legal online sportsbooks. These books do things to win your players that you can’t do with the old paper and pencil bookkeeping methods.
They offer convenience. With a few finger strokes, your former players can now lay action on a nine-leg NFL teaser parlay.
These legal books are large corporate operations with enough money to offer free bonus money upon the first deposit. Many of them offer rewards for frequent play and daily specials with a huge odds boost.
If you’re a bookie still operating out of a paper tablet, you need to figure out a way to keep up.
You’ll Face Tighter Lines
If you’re an ace handicapper and release your numbers to your players, you know line-making is a feel-good game. You studied the information; you took all your knowledge and determined the line.
It’s old-fashioned to say, but sports betting used to be more personal. These large, commercial sportsbooks use computer services in faraway foreign countries to make their lines.
Their algorithms compute the probability, the statistics, and the situational factors quicker than you can snap your fingers. These sophisticated pay per head software platforms produce super-tight lines.
If you continue to handicap your book the old-school way, your sharp gamblers will burn you for cash. Human error in line makes it easier to spot when a player has multiple lines to cross-reference.
You’ll Need More Bet Offers
During the dark days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when all US professional and collegiate sports stopped playing, the betting markets took a huge hit. If you’re a bookie, you know the pain and still feel it.
The thing is, there were still ways for players to lay action. Ukrainian table tennis, Belarussian soccer, and English darts all soldiered on.
The big-time online casinos had the ability to recoup cash on these events while you watched your bank account dwindle from the NCAA Final Four cancellation.
In these times that remain so uncertain, legalized gambling means you have to offer more.
You’re a Bookie in a State Soon to Legalize Betting
Get ahead of it. As states legalize sports gambling, you will face stiff competition. Your loyal players will be lured by free money and all the other advantages online sportsbooks offer.
If you live in a state that has already legalized sports gambling, you need to figure out a way to keep up.
Ace Pay Per Head is here for bookies. We offer the latest in sportsbook software to help your book compete with the big boys.
Are Bookies Illegal in the USA?

In the United States, a lot has changed over the last couple of years in terms of the legality of bookies. The United States has allowed each state to determine whether or not they want to allow gambling and bookies. As a result, many states have already decided to allow gambling, and other states are in talks to follow suit and allow it as well.
The extent of how gambling will work depends specifically on the rules in that specific state. So the best way to understand all the intricacies of the legality of being a bookie in the specific state that you live in would be to ask your local attorney, to make sure you are doing everything according to the law.
Once you get all the specifics of the laws in your state, you can move to the next phase, if it is legal, and get a pay-per-head service that can provide you with the necessary tools to become a successful bookie.
A pay per head company is a service that provides a fully inclusive sports betting site with thousands of sports betting options, a virtual casino, and a racebook for players to bet on 24/7. These services manage all the lines, update all the odds up to the second, and then grade all games as soon as each sporting event is complete. Then all balances get automatically updated on each player’s account and the bookies’ admin page.
These companies do all the technical work in terms of bookmaking and can also be relied on for any questions you as the bookie may have, such as rules on certain types of wagers, information on lines, ways to grow your business, analysis on specific player’s betting patterns, and more. In addition, these services are available 24/7 since gambling never sleeps, which allows any bookie to have the peace of mind that they always have access to help with any requests or questions they may have.
This fully inclusive service has a minimal cost per player, and the average service charges around $10 per active player a week. You only get charged if the player has a graded wager for that week. Then, whatever is won or lost by the player, you, as the bookie, will handle those payments directly with your player and get to keep 100% of those profits.
Since these services do all the work in terms of bookmaking, they give you the free time and energy to just focus on growing your business. The best way to start growing your book is by reaching out to all friends, family, coworkers, schoolmates, and social media friends and seeing if they have any interest in betting. There are lots of different bettors out there, such as the everyday bettor who bets whatever is available, just the person who bets major sports, the weekend bettor, the homer bettor who only bets on his favorite teams, or the infrequent bettor who only bets on a major sporting event or during the playoffs.
The more bettors you have, the more you will end up making over the long term. So if you are lucky to be living in a state where bookies are legal, then get set up with one of the best price per head services in the business and start making money as a bookie today.
Is Online Sports Betting Legal: Learn Your Answers Here
Have you asked yourself, “Is online sports betting legal?” Then you’re in the right place.
What if you could make a ton of money without leaving the house?
Betting on sports online is a great way to make some quick cash. Bookies and players alike stand to make a lot of money. But many people hesitate because they aren’t sure if these bets are legal online or not.
So, is online sports betting legal? Keep reading to discover the answer!
Is Online Sports Betting Legal?
Let’s start with the big question. Are online sports betting sites legal? The frustrating answer is “It depends on where you live.”
There is a common misconception that online sports betting is illegal at the federal level. But, as our guide will reveal, that is no longer the case.
Instead, the actual legality of sports betting online varies from state to state. So the state you live in will determine whether you can legally make money as either a bettor or as a bookie.
Understanding Federal vs. State Law
Whether you want to be a bookie or just a player, the good news is that online betting is not illegal at the federal level. This was settled by the Supreme Court in 2018 with Murphy vs. NCAA (more on this later).
That decision ultimately puts the power back in the state’s hands. But that doesn’t necessarily meanyourstate. Further in our guide, we have a breakdown of the states in which online sports betting is legal.
You should also be aware that this guide does not offer legal advice. If you have questions about local and state laws that may affect your career as either a bettor or a bookie, we recommend you consult with a local lawyer to answer those questions.
The Outcome of Murphy vs. NCAA
One of the reasons people still believe online sports betting is illegal is because of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992. PAPSA effectively made it illegal to gamble in the vast majority of states. And PAPSA is one of the reasons why Las Vegas gained a reputation as one of the only places you could bet on sports.
After PAPSA was passed, the only states where it was legal to bet on sports were Nevada, Delaware, Oregon, and Montana. But that all changed with Murphy vs. NCAA.
New Jersey has been trying to legalize sports betting since 2010. And they took their case to the Supreme Court with Murphy vs. NCAA.The Court ended up abolishing PAPSA and letting individual states determine whether they wanted to legalize sports betting (both online and offline).
Confusion About The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act
Despite the outcome of Murphy vs. NCAA, some still worry about gambling online because of theUnlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Actof 2006. After all, the name alone sounds very intimidating!
But despite the name, this act was never designed to forbid people from gambling online. Instead, the act made it illegal for banks to transfer money that someone had won through illegal betting.
In other words, this law was intended to target bookies rather than players and does not change the legality of online sports betting. While the act can make things difficult for a bookie, you can work with a reliable pay per head company to keep your bookkeeping career both convenient and within the bounds of the law.
Where Is Online Sports Betting Legal?
Earlier, we discussed how PAPSA was overturned thanks to Murphy vs. NCAA. The result of this was that individual states could determine whether they wanted to legalize sports betting or not.
But that brings us to an obvious question: where is online sports betting legal? Below, we have a breakdown of states where this is currently legal.
States where online sports betting is legal:
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Tennessee
- West Virginia
- Washington, D.C.
- Virginia
Below, we have a further list of states where online sports betting will be legal soon. Relevant laws have already been passed in these states, and they are in the final stages of setting up their sports betting markets.
- Arizona
- Connecticut
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Nebraska
- South Dakota
- Washington
- Wyoming
There are other states where the legality discussion is on hold, including California and Florida. But as of this writing, the states above are the only ones where sports betting is either legal or about to be legal.
Your New Career As a Bookie
As you may already know, sports betting is a very different experience when you are a bookie rather than a player. Fortunately, it has never been easier to begin a new career as a bookie!
Long story short, you can become a bookie in any state where sports betting is legal. And your primary hurdle is simply that there is a lot of major competition in this business.
However, you can keep up with the competition by getting good and cheap pay per head sportsbook software. With the right software in place, you can take your bookie game to the next level.
Get Started Today
Now, you have an answer to the question, “Is online sports betting legal?” But do you know how you can get started as a bookie today?
We have developed special price per head sportsbook software to help you get your new career started. To decide whether this software is right for you, comecheck out our demotoday!