The pay per head industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, that has been steadily growing each year. Today’s technology now allows players to bet in many different ways, with mobile wagering now the most popular of all. As a result pay per head websites are making it extremely easy and cheap for agents to set up an account and take action through the internet. Now anybody, including their mother can take action. The only small speed bump now in the pay per head road, is how to securely and conveniently send funds to pay for the weekly service.
In the past Money Gram and Western Union have been the dominant form of payment in order to send funds to pay for international pay per head services. However, anyone that has had any experience with Money Gram or Western Union, know first hand, what a hassle that can turn into. These money transfer services almost always spell the receiver or sender’s name incorrectly, which prevents the transaction from by successfully picked up. As a result the sender or agent needs to then call or physically go to the location again to fix it. In addition after frequent times of using these money transfer services, the sender then gets blocked from using the service, but both Money Gram and Western Union, never tell you that before you send a new money transaction.
Bitcoin Method
However with the explosion of the Virtual Currency Market, led by Bitcoin, there is now a more easier and safer way to send international payments. Each Bitcoin is worth a certain amount, and for example the current rate is that one Bitcoin is worth $650. (You can buy Bitcoins in any increments and amounts you want.) This rate fluctuates but, there is no fluctuation risk, because whatever you buy the Bitcoin at, is the amount that will be credited to your account.
In addition all Bitcoin purchases are 100% completely anonymous. You have to set up a Bitcoin account with your correct information, however once you send a Bitcoin to AcePerHead.com’s Bitcoin Wallet Address, it is anonymous, and there is no trail or record of what the Bitcoin transfer is for.
There are many different websites to use to create a Bitcoin account and purchase Bitcoins, but below are the most preferred and fastest in the industry.
www.coinbase.com deposit with a bank account in USA, Canada, and most of Europe
www.circle.com deposit with a credit card, debit card or bank account in USA and United Kingdom
www.indacoin.com deposit with a credit card or debit card in USA and Canada. When using this service the first two deposits have a small limit of $35 and $100 respectively, but on the 3rd deposit the limit is $500, and after a month there is no limit when using a Visa or MasterCard.
www.kraken.com deposit with same day SEPA transfer for residents of Europe, UK and Canada
https://bitso.com deposit with cash or online bank transfer. Mexico’s largest Bitcoin exchange
www.btcc.com and www.huobi.com are China’s largest Bitcoin exchanges.
www.unocoin.com deposit with Indian local bank transfer. India’s largest Bitcoin exchange.
Bitcoin is already getting popular with all sorts of internet transactions, and now AcePerHead.com is using it as a much more convenient and fast way to fund agent accounts. The pay per head industry is always changing, and this is just another example of Ace Per Head being at the front of the pack, in innovative solutions in the industry.