In recent years thanks to vast improvements made to the most widely used American bookie software the differences between European online sportsbooks and their American counterparts have all but vanished.
They Are More Alike Than You Think
These improvements were made after realizing that the American market is becoming increasingly diverse, prompting the need to add features that supported a broader spectrum of betting products, most of which were already available on European gambling sites.
Market Differences
Because European sportsbooks are so heavily regulated they are no longer an option for gamblers residing in the US. Instead, the European sportsbooks are becoming increasingly segregated and local, new regulations have meant that additional betting licenses are required in order to accept players from certain countries.
In contrast, the online North American betting market is largely unregulated despite repeated government initiatives. The issue is due mostly because bookies have moved their operations offshore, and have enlisted the help of sportsbook service providers known as pay per head companies to handle the posting of odds, as well as acceptance and processing of the wagers. The pay per head service receives a flat fee for the service provided but doesn’t handle any money transactions between the agent and the player.
More Sports and Increased Betting Options
The increased popularity of sports like soccer required software updates that could support all the betting options offered in this sport. However, American bookie software providers went a step beyond, and for this particular sport have merged features from Asian and European books, making them extremely competitive worldwide.
We are of course referring to Asian handicap, which is not available in most if any European sportsbooks. The inclusion of Asian handicap to the software is a clear indication of how diverse the American sports betting market really is.
Live Casino
Other features like live casino have also been integrated into the American bookie offering, for a number of years the live casino product was only available in Europe, the technology had not reached this side of the world, and when it did, it was plagued with performance issues, low-quality video, slow response times, and card scanning issues to name a few.
These problems have now been resolved, and the live casino software offered by top pay per head companies like www.AcePerHead.com can now rival the best live casinos in Europe and the rest of the world.
Live in Game Wagering
The first time I heard of this product was circa 2005-2006, and it was a service offered by a Canadian company, the features were limited, there were only a handful of games offered per month, mostly NFL primetime games, and the betting option left much to be desired.
The whole interface was plagued with glitches, it was not available online but instead, players had to call in their wagers, and with the betting windows being so narrow, most of the time the player couldn’t even get their wager in on time.
A lot has happened since then, and American bookie software providers are now competing head to head with the live-in game wagering offering of the biggest European sportsbooks. Just as an example, the VIP live wagering product offered by Ace Per Head includes thousands of games per month, in different sports and leagues, the complete product, including all its bells and whistles is available for use on any mobile device, grading is done in real time, and odds are posted within seconds, giving the players more time to submit their wagers.
Just a couple of years ago, this type of offering was but a dream in the American sports gambling market, and players were left feeling cheated and disappointed that their bookies could not offer this exciting new product.
Pioneers like AcePerHead.com were the ones pushing for betting ways to offer live-in game wagering, they forged alliances, they collaborated with software providers, and moved heaven and earth to turn this dream into a reality. They are now the top price per head provider for live wagering events, and because of this, they have created new opportunities for bookies to increase their bottom line.
The Future of The American Sports Betting Market
Things could not be looking better for sports betting in North America, more and more people are showing a real interest in participating in real money sports betting, which provides great opportunities for agents to expand their businesses.
And by enlisting the help of the experts at Ace Per Head, local bookies can confidently take on more players and move their business out of the back room of a bar and onto the world wide web. Aside from allowing bookies to grow their player sheet, moving their operations to the betting platform offered by Ace will allow agents to free up more of their time to spend with their families, or pursue some other endeavor.
Why Switch to Ace Per Head
Agents who dream of competing with large sportsbooks like the ones found in Europe, need to look no further than Ace Per Head, they offer all the features the biggest online sportsbooks around the world offer, for an extremely affordable price that even the smallest of agents can afford.
They provide a complete set of services, from posting and managing odds, accepting, storing and grading wagers, mobile platforms, live casino, virtual casino games, horse racing and the widest sports betting offering of any price per head service.
Aside from this, their agent interface provides all the necessary tools for bookies to manage their operation from anywhere in the world. Reports are concise and offer real up to the minute information about player performance, and daily activities, including their weekly win/loss.
Agents set their own limits for wagering which can be customized by sport, and wager type, and they can even set a cap on how much each wager type can payout.
Another great benefit of working with AcePerHead.com is risk management, the expert line managers keep an eye out for any suspicious activity from your players, and will alert you to any potential dangers from sharp players.
In conclusion, thanks to quality pay per head companies like www.AcePerHead.com, the gap between the offerings of European sportsbooks and their American counterparts is decreasing every day, and in the near future, the services and products offered in North America will surpass those offered in Europe.