There are many different per-head websites that exist in the world, and whichever site you are using or decide to use, it is important to always familiarize yourself with the backend agent site. The agent site is a great tool to use, and usually, the more hands-on you are with it, then the more money you can make.
Wagering and gambling have gone through some impressive changes in the types and amounts of wagers that players can wager on, so it is important to consistently monitor each and every one of your players’ betting styles because there are ways that you can spot sharp plays, and maximize your profits on square-type players. One of the most basic tools to use to manage your players’ wagers on a per-head website is the Open Bets report.
OnAcePerHead.comthe Open Bets Report can be found under the Common Column on the left-hand side of the screen. Once you click the Open Bets tab you will be brought to a new screen, that will have a list of each, and every open bet that your players have at the moment. At the very top of the screen, you can set it to show by the specific type of wager, where you can use the drop-down box, and it will give you the option to show all wagers by specific type ofwager, such asstraight,parlayandteaser. (Most agents that use this per head service generally set it to show All Wagers at once). The next drop-down box is to show all open wagers by sport, but generally, most agents just select the All Sports option. The third and last drop-down box gives the option to show wagers by a specific player, but again most agents that use this pay-per-head site choose to show open bets with theAll Players option.
Once you select the options of how you view the wagers, below will be a list of each and every open wager that is pending. If you select the All option for each wager, which is standard, then you will see a list of all the wagers from each of your players, separated by each player in alphabetical or numerical player account order. Eachwagerwill be listed with specific parameters such as,Placed,User/Phone,Game Date,Sport,Description,Risk/Win, andDelete?
It is pretty self-explanatory, but just to quickly go over each column, the Place column will show the ticket number and the exact time and date to the second of when the wager was placed. TheUser/Phonecolumn will show if the wager was placed on the internet, or if it was placed on the phone it will show the exact clerk’s name of the person who took the wager over the phone. The Game Date column will say the exact date, and time that that specific game wager will begin. The Sport column will have the initials of the type of sport the wager pertains to. The Description column will show what type of bet it specifically is, such as a straight bet or parlay, with the game’s rotation number in brackets followed by the team that was wagered on with the exact line and juice that the wager is for.The Risk/Wincolumn shows the amount that the player is risking on that specific wager and the amount that they can potentially win on that wager. Lastly the Delete? Column will show a red circle with a white X mark in the middle, and this gives you as the agent the option to delete the wager if you would like to, which can be used if one of your players made a mistake placing a wager, and you have agreed to delete it for him.
The Open Bets featureis a very simple report to understand, but it is also a very important report because it allows you to constantly know what your players are betting. From there you can monitor what type of wagers your players are making, and get a good understanding of what type of bettor each of your players are, and whether or not there are certain betting patterns you can spot on specific players. Then as an agent, you can take this to the next level and use theMove Lines featureand adjust lines based on your players’ betting patterns, which if done correctly can earn you even more money.
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