When using a price per head sportsbook as an agent it is very important to become acclimated with each and every feature of your price per head sportsbook’s agent back-end. Sure there may be plenty of features that you may not use, or may not even need, but it is always better to know all the in’s and out’s, because some features can actually be used to your advantage, and end up making you more money.
One important feature that does not get as much attention as it should onAceperhead.comis theExposure feature. The Exposure tab can be found on the left-hand side of the screen underneath the Common column. When selecting the Exposure tab it brings you to the Agent Exposure screen that has a scroll-down labeled Sports, which allows you to select each sport you would like to view your exposure for.
Once you select the sport that you want to view the Exposure on, then you will see a list of every game in that sport with the rotation number and teams that you are currently receiving action on. Thisprice per head sportsbookalso goes one step further and separates the Exposure for each game by the type of wager it is. As a result, there are four columns for each game that are grouped by Straight, Parlays, Teasers, and Reverses. Under each type of bet column, there are three individual columns labeled Spread, Total, and $Line (Money Line) which further break down each type of bet you have. Lastly, you will see both teams for the game that you are getting action on, and then you will see the Dollar amounts in the spaces under the exact types of wagers you are receiving action on for that particular game.
For example, if the Green Bay Packers are playing the New England Patriots you will be able to see all the action you have related to this game. If you have 15,000 on Straight spread for the Patriots and 1k on Straight spread for the Packers, you can then click each individual number and then you will get a pop-up window that gives you a more detailed list of each individual wager, with player id, password, the time they placed the wager, risk and win amount.
The smart way to use this Exposure report is to monitor the amount of Exposure you are getting on games and if you are getting lopsided action on a particular game then you can move the line according the action that you are specifically getting. As a result, using the Exposure to adjust and manipulate some of your lines can end up saving or making you more money, and making more money in the price per head sportsbook business is the name of the game.