Competition can be cutthroat in the sportsbook industry, from negative bogus reviews, corporate spying, and DDOS attacks, to legit marketing wars, bookies must face a lot every day.
How the Right One Can Help Grow Your Business
Luckily not all bookies are competitors when it comes to price per head companies, there is a serious advantage of working with one who has been an actual bookie and therefore understands the business inside and out, this is one example where betting with a bookie is a good gamble.
I’ve seen a lot of new pay per head services come out of nowhere at the start of every football season, they come claiming they are the next big thing and they offer deals that seem too good to be true. The sad reality is most of these places don’t have the financial backing to last more than a season, and if a handful of clients default on their weekly payments they are all but done, they simply cannot sustain their operation.
But, as unsettling as that is, that is not the worse part about these newbies, in most cases, they also lack the experience that will provide positive results for bookie agents. From personal knowledge, I can attest that a lot of these companies are being operated by former sportsbook employees, and the ones that I know personally of, are not bad people; however, they have no idea how to run a business, most have some experience in just one field, either in financial matter or line management, seldom if ever will you encounter someone who had enough knowledge about betting odds, finance and the necessary technology required to offer a world-class sportsbook service.
This means their service will have abysmal flaws, you will either have weak lines, or unstable betting interfaces with tons of site crashes throughout the season or a company that is unable to pay their providers on time resulting in system outages and loss of software licenses.
Choose the Best
If you are looking for a price per head company that is well rounded and understands every aspect of this industry, then look no further than www.AcePerHead.com. They are the gold standard in the pay per head industry, with close to two decades in the business. The owners have been bookies themselves for years, this gives them a unique perspective of what customer satisfaction really entails.
But it is not just their experience that makes them great, over the years they have acquired and groomed some of the best talents in the industry, and this applies to every position, not just line management. They have the most advanced team of IT engineers at their disposal, and the best administrators this means their company runs as smoothly as any large tech company.
When you register with them you are betting with a bookie, not a rookie, and best of all you never have to worry about unfair competition from them, they will never risk their reputation to try and steal any of your customers, to give you complete peace of mind they will never request any personally identifying information of your players, instead all players will be prompted to contact you in the event of a dispute. Ace Per Head will only deal with you, never your customers or sub-agents.