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Price Per Head Bookmaking 101

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Anyone looking to expand their bookmaking business to an online platform needs to consider a price-per-head service. Some of you may be wondering, what is the price per head of bookmaking?

Rules of Engagement

Price-per-head or pay-per-head service companies are experienced online bookmakers who render their services to other bookmakers for a small fee. Think of it as outsourcing for gambling sites. Everyone wants the best software, the most experienced line makers, professional customer service reps, top-notch IT specialists, and the most secure servers but not everyone can afford to put all these resources on their own.

That is essentially what a price per head service provides, they give you the infrastructure, expertise, and professional staff and you pay them a flat fee. This fee is based on the number of players you have that are actively using the service, and it is billed per week.

When you start your search for a good fit for your needs, you will see that there are a lot of companies out there offering their service. And not to sound like a cliché, but, beware, as not all pay per head bookie services are created equal. A good place to start looking is, they are one of the most established pay-per-head companies with lots of experience under their belt, they have been around for a very long time and have great client reviews.

Here are some of the things you should look for choosing a price per head:

Well, there you have it now you know what price per head bookmaking is and you know that is the absolute best choice in the market.

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