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Start Small – Earn Big

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Becoming a bookie these days doesn’t take too much of an investment, with the advantages of technology you don’t need to relocate to another country to operate and with the help of the right pay per head business, you don’t even need to quit your current job.

Getting Started Doesn’t Take Much

Once you have established yourself as an online bookie and realize you can make more money than you do with your day job you may want to retire, but, you don’t need to take any drastic measures before your business takes off.

If you are interested in learning how to be a small bookie, then you have come to the right place!

To become a bookie you don’t need to be a techie, or even a web designer, at, they can build you a custom site just for you, and they will take care of all the maintenance, they will provide all the servers and the software you need to manage an online sportsbook, and they will even provide the most amazing customer service staff.

They also provide expert oddsmakers to handle your lines, so all you need to do is manage your players, it really is that simple.

Your job is to find players, pay and collect from them that is pretty much it. Studies have shown that players will be happy if they have an easy to use betting interface that is available online and through any mobile device, so they can place their wagers on the go, they want good solid lines and a great variety of betting lines and sports to choose from, all of this is provided by Ace Per Head, you don’t need to worry about any of this stuff.

How much do you need to get started?

Would it surprise you if I told you, you could start your very own online sportsbook with as little as $3,000?

The way to do this is simple, all you have to do is recruit a few players, they could be work buddies, or friends from your local bar, once you have these, you register as an agent at and in 15-20 minutes you are ready to start accepting your first wagers.

The cost of the service provided by starts as low as $10 per active player per week, this means you only pay for the actual services used, as an example, if you have 7 players, but only 5 of them played this week, then you only pay for those 5, this will help you scale your operating costs, saving you tons of money a year.

If you have ever wondered how to be a small bookie, all you need is to have Ace Per Head on your side, they can work with any size budget and player sheet, if you don’t have the budget to order your own site right out of the gate, don’t worry, your players can use their non-descriptive website to access their accounts and place their wagers, once your business has taken off and you decide having a site of your own is the way to go, they can build it for you in a matter of days.

Being a small bookie is how all the great bookmakers started, give it a try today, register at