As a bookie, your job is going to be to cater to those who enjoy betting on sports. So it isn’t going to be a good idea for you to get into the habit of refusing to take bets from your clients.
There are, however, some instances in which you might want to refuse to take a bet from a client for one reason or another. Today, we’re going to lay out a few of the top reasons for you to note take a bet from a client.
You won’t want to refuse to take a bet from a client too often. It could destroy your bookmaking business and send those interested in sports betting scurrying to other bookies.
But these are going to be good enough reasons to not take a bet from someone.
When you’re working as a bookie, it’ll be important for you to set up a system that will force your clients to settle up their debts from time to time. Most bookmaking businesses will collect losses from their clients about once each week.
If you have a client who hasn’t paid off a debt from the past, that would be reason enough to refuse to take a bet from them. You should let them know you’d be happy to start taking bets from them again once they settle their past debt.
Even the largest sportsbooks in the world will refuse to take bets from clients every now and then when these bets are too large. They will work to limit their exposure by doing this.
If you have a client who wants to place a ridiculously large bet that you know you won’t be able to cover, you can refuse to take a bet from them. Just be sure you explain the situation so that they don’t think you’re turning away their business for some other reason.
There will be times when a particular sporting event will go “off the board.” This means that the betting lines for it will be unavailable due to an injury, a weather-related event, or something else.
In this case, a bookie is allowed to refuse to take a bet by taking it “off the board” themselves. The sportsbook software you’re using should do this for you automatically and put the game back “on the board” later once the betting lines for it have been adjusted.
When you run your own sports betting business, you’re welcome to let a client know that you don’t want to take a bet from them for any reason. It is, after all, your bookmaking business, so you can take whichever steps you want.
Are you looking to use software to improve your bookmaking? Check out the helpful betting software used by bookies here!
Experts predict that the sports betting industry will be worth $182.12 billion by 2030. If you’re looking to get into this rising market, it’s critical that you invest in betting software that will keep you organized and lucrative.
Read on to learn about the best sportsbook software for budding bookies in 2023.
For years, there were two core payment models for bookie software.
The first was an up-front flat fee. This came with no ongoing protection, updates, upgrades, or maintenance. Bookies got what they paid for and were left to take care of the platform on their own.
Subscription fees solved this problem. In giving the provider a smaller sum of money each month, people were able to get access to features like updates. Unfortunately, traditional subscription models charge a flat fee that may not be worth it in some off-season months.
Price per head (PPH) models are becoming increasingly popular among betting agents. It’s a subscription, but you pay based on how many bettors are actively working with you. So, if you have 10 bettors during the off-season, you’re going to be paying next to nothing even if you have hundreds around the Super Bowl.
This makes your sportsbook easier to manage and scale.
The main reason that people like this PPH technology is that the sportsbook is fully managed. This means that those behind the platform take care of daily logistics, including:
You won’t need to worry about doing these things manually. Your website will always look professional. Plus, you can spend the time you would use for tedious web maintenance to set better lines, track and monitor players, and refine your strategy.
Ace Per Head is the most helpful betting software a bookie can use. This is because it’s made specifically to meet the needs of those running sportsbooks. A random WordPress template or eCommerce-oriented platform won’t let you engage with bookie-specific features and needs.
When you work with Ace Per Head’s bookmaker-specific platform, you’ll be able to:
Ace Per Head can put you in charge of your sports betting enterprise by providing you with the best pay per head bookie software in the business. Learn more about it now and then get a better feel for it by taking advantage of our 6-week free promo.
Now that you know some betting software that can help kick off your bookie career, it’s time to get started. Ace Per Head offers top PPH services in the industry with dozens of unique features. Try our 6-week free promo to see how we can help grow your bookie business.
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