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Why do so Many Sites go Down on Sundays?

Why do so Many Sites go Down on Sundays?

When searching for, or using a pay per head service one of the most important…

9 years ago

Up-Selling your Services

The pay-per-head industry has a pretty simple and straightforward business model, where they charge their…

9 years ago

How to Use the Player Watch Report?

When using a pay per head service an agent is given his very own sign-in…

9 years ago

Laying off Action

When bookies are taking action in the per head industry, sometimes they may opt to…

9 years ago

Why you Make More with Credit Accounts?

When you are a local bookie in the pay-per-head industry most of the accounts that…

9 years ago

Get the Most of Your 6 Weeks Free

When searching for a new price per head service or searching to begin a PPH service…

9 years ago

Why Mobile Matters?

The sportsbook business is a multi-billion dollar a year profitable business that is 365 days…

9 years ago
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